Smart Move PT

Hamilton Township

Specialized Physical Therapy Professionals Delivering Swift Pain Alleviation

Make a Smart Move to Live a Pain-Free Life

We are a Unique Physical Therapy Facilities

1st Free Consultation with Expert

Obtain professional advice from a licensed physical therapist.

1 on 1 Treatment by Specialized Physical Therapist

Swift pain relief from our specialized physical therapy professionals

Accept Major Insurances*

We accept most private insurances.

Why us?

Smart Move PT is committed to staying at the forefront of the latest research and evidence-based practices in physical therapy. This dedication ensures that you receive the most effective and up-to-date treatments. Smart Move PT focuses on five parameters:

Smart Move PT is committed to staying at the forefront of the latest research and evidence-based practices in physical therapy. This dedication ensures that you receive the most effective and up-to-date treatments. Smart Move PT focuses on five parameters:

Our Physical Therapists Specialties

Our Physical Therapists Specialties

Meet Our Professional Physical Therapists

John Doe
Sonali Patil
John Doe


SmartMovePT’s commitment extends to guiding you toward achieving the highest quality of life.

Heat/Cold Therapy

Fall Prevention and Balance Training

Sports Specific Training

Work Conditioning


Years Experience
Skiled Therapist
Therapy Exersizes

As a distinguished leader, we provide high-quality physical therapy services

Dr. Sayali Sanghvi

Dr. Sayali Sanghvi PT, DPT, MS received her Master’s degree in Physical Therapy with specialization in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy from the University of Pittsburgh, and her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree from the School of Health Sciences at Touro College, New York.


How Can Physical Therapists Care Help You

Physical Therapist at Smart Move PT provides personalized care for optimal health. Our expert interventions, tailored exercises, and focused attention empower you to recover from injuries, manage pain, and enhance overall well-being.

Our Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions

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    Exercise Therapy

    Exercise therapy, also referred to as therapeutic exercise, consists of a structured sequence of physical activities designed to improve body functions and performance. It encompasses a range of exercises, including strengthening, stretching, cardiovascular, balance, coordination, and functional exercises tailored to daily activities. Drawing upon years of expertise, research, and clinical knowledge, patients receive a personalized care plan adapted to their unique condition. This plan integrates various exercise therapy techniques to enhance functional mobility and achieve individualized goals.

    Manual Therapy

    Manual therapy involves hands-on manipulation of the body’s muscles, joints, and soft tissues to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and facilitate healing. This therapeutic approach may include a variety of techniques, including:

    • Joint Mobilization 
    • Soft tissue mobilization
    • Spinal Manipulation
    • Manual traction 
    • Muscle energy techniques
    • Trigger point and myofascial release 
    • Neuromuscular Techniques
    • Passive stretching


    Electrotherapy also known as electrical stimulation uses electrical currents to facilitate tissue healing, reduce pain and promote tissue healing. Types of electrical stimulation:

    • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
    • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
    • Interferential Current Therapy (IFC)
    • Russian Current
    • High-Voltage Pulsed Current (HVPC)


    Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to generate heat within tissues, promoting tissue healing while reducing pain and inflammation. It effectively targets both deep-seated and surface-level areas of joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and scar tissue.

    Phonophoresis, on the other hand, is a therapeutic technique that utilizes ultrasound waves to deliver medication, typically in gel or cream form, through the skin and into the underlying tissues.

    Kinesio Taping

    Kinesio tape, a thin elastic adhesive strip, is used to facilitate muscle movement and enhance athletic performance. Applied directly onto the skin, this flexible tape mimics the skin’s elasticity, aiding in muscle stimulation following an injury. Its roles encompass pain relief, inflammation reduction, and providing support to muscles and joints.


    Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) entails using specialized tools to perform manual techniques on soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, fascia, and ligaments. This therapy utilizes dedicated instruments made of steel or plastic to alleviate stiffness, alleviate pain, and improve mobility. It is especially advantageous for conditions like tendinitis, scar tissue, and strains. Additionally, IASTM assists in restoring flexibility in joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

    Active Release Technique (ART)

    The Active Release Technique (ART) is a treatment method designed to target soft tissue and nerve problems. In ART, patients actively participate in moving the affected area while the therapist utilizes hands-on techniques to help reduce pain and restore function. With more than 500 treatment maneuvers at their disposal, healthcare providers can accurately identify and effectively address specific issues.

    Trigger Point and Myofascial Release

    Myofascial release is a hands-on technique employed to alleviate restrictions such as trigger points, muscle tightness, and soft tissue dysfunction, which can cause pain and restrict motion throughout the body. Its primary aim is to release the fascia within the body, which can contribute to tightness, pain, and limited joint mobility. Myofascial release is known for its effectiveness in addressing conditions such as myofascial pain syndrome, muscular imbalances, athletic injuries resulting from trauma, posture issues, and repetitive stress syndromes.

    What is physical therapy?

    Physical therapy is a healthcare profession dedicated to aiding patients in recovering, maintaining, and enhancing their physical abilities, ultimately enhancing their quality of life. It plays a crucial role in enhancing functional capabilities, improving mobility, and alleviating pain. Additionally, physical therapy can serve to mitigate the need for surgical interventions.

    What to expect at your 1st physical therapy session?

    Each individual’s body is unique, and not all exercises are suitable for every condition. Therefore, the physical therapist conducts a comprehensive evaluation, provides a clinical diagnosis and prognosis, and tailors a personalized care plan to help you attain both short-term and long-term goals.